Public procurements
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- Kategorija: Public procurements
- Pogodaka: 1188
In the Agreement on implementation of the Country Housing Programme in the Republic of Serbia, the provision of packages of building material is foreseen as one of modalities, (B: Building material) which is to be conducted in multiple implementation phases. The mentioned modality of housing programme is defined as providing support to the integration of refugees who have already started building the houses or who possess inadequate houses suitable for adaptation, through provision of packages of building material.
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- Kategorija: Public procurements
- Pogodaka: 2933
Subject of Public Procurement in open procedure No. 404-70/18-II is selection private partner for the realization of reconstruction project and long-term maintenance of work of public lighting system by application of led technology on the territory of the municipality of Stara Pazova on the model of public-private partnership.
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- Kategorija: Public procurements
- Pogodaka: 2536
Pursuant to articles 20 and 22 of the Public-Private Partnership and Concessions Act (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nº 88/11), article 55, paragraph 1, item 2, article 57, and article 60, paragraph 1 item 1 of the Public Procurement Act (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nº 124/12, 14/15 and 68/15) and the Decision of the Municipality of Stara Pazova Nº: 011-40/2015-I from 16/10/2015 authorizing the Project of public-private partnership for the funding, construction and maintenance of the local road infrastructure in the Municipality of Stara Pazova with public payment, the Municipality of Stara Pazova hereby issues a Public call for the collection of bids Nº 404-48/15-II in the open procedure-the selection of private partner for the implementation of the publicprivate partnership project for the funding, construction and maintenace of the local road infrastructure in the Municipality of Stara Pazova with public payment.